Bianca Sapetto, choreographer, director, teacher, aerialist, and dancer began her career as a rhythmic gymnast, claiming five gold medal U.S. National Championships titles and an alternate position on the 1992 U.S. Olympic Team. Bianca studied comparative religion at Amherst College before “running away” to join the circus.
She launched her professional career when she was recruited as a performer and choreographer on tour in Cirque du Soleil’s production of “Quidam” where she performed 1001 shows. Shortly thereafter, Emmy Award winning choreographer Debra Brown, cast her in her experimental dance company, “Apogee”, where she collaborated on the merging of theatrical circus and extreme modern dance for over 5 years.
For nearly a decade, Bianca was a lead performer, choreographer and associate director at Teatro Zinzanni, an interdisciplinary and immersive theater company that specializes in dismantling the fourth wall.

Ms Sapetto’s physical acting expertise was engaged to push the boundaries of motion capture animation in her role as the AI robot AIMEE in the film, “The Red Planet” as well as development for “Matrix Reloaded” and video games for Sony and Eyes Out. She is a regular guest artist for Joan Sheckle’s filmmaking labs. Other film credits include “Water for Elephants”, Disney’s “Gepetto”, and “Rush Hour 2” where she became a member of Jackie Chan’s official stunt team.
Other notable productions choreographed by Bianca are “Carmina Burana” for the Michigan Opera, the Grammy Awards, Burning Man in collaboration with Larry Harvey and Melissa Baron, Camerata Tango (endorsed by the Astor Piazzolla Foundation), the Tonight Show, Good Morning America, TJ Maxx National Arena Tour of the 2004 Olympic Gymnastic teams, and “The Mortal Thoughts of Lady MacBeth” directed by Yuval Sharon.
She also performed at the Summit of the Americas for all of the presidents and prime ministers of North and South America, Formula One, the American Music Awards, Teen’s Choice Awards, Sebastian World Tour, and the SAG Stunt Awards.
Bianca co–led the creative collective Sprung Theater (formerly We Few Productions) with Daniel Passer and Veronika Krausas. Their work together spans almost 20 years and numerous productions and workshops including, “The Courtyard”, “The Party”, and “Noir Project”.
She began teaching aerial acrobatics and dance in 2000. In 2009, she earned her yoga teacher’s training certificate from Yogaworks, led by her mentor, the esteemed Annie Carpenter. In 2010, she received her Anusara prenatal certification. She has continued her yoga studies through extension courses including Loyola Marymount University and Srivatsa Ramaswami to study the subtle body, the Upanishads, and other Vedic texts. Bianca plays the harmonium and loves to lead kirtan in her yoga classes.
For more than a decade she has taught her original classes, “The Physical Creative”, which examine how the physical body and our communal and personal stories inspire innovation, collaboration, and creativity in the arts, the workplace, and everyday life.
She has lead classes and workshops at USC Thornton School of Music, USC Gloria Kaufman School of Dance, USC Iovine and Young Academy, UCLA Royce Hall and the Department of Psychology, Esalen Institute, National Young Arts Foundation, Joffrey Ballet, PEN USA, Henkel Corporation, Treefort festival at both Hackfort and Yogafort, le Petit Cirque, and yoga, acting, dance, and circus schools across the country.
In 2020, she began her “Lunar Yoga” class series which ties together the moon cycles, mythology, astrology, archetype, art, and magical traditions with yoga philosophy, asana, pranayama, and meditation practices. Her classes and workshops are attended in person and virtually by people from all over the world. In 2021, Lunar Yoga was hosted by and taught at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
In 2021, she was awarded as an honoree for her contributions in choreography, dance, and the aerial arts by Luminario Ballet. She is a founding company member of Luminario ballet and has danced and choreographed for the company since 2008.
Bianca is featured in her own chapter in the book, “Wisdom of Wildly Creative Women; Real Stories from Inspirational, Artistic, and Empowered Women” published in 2023 by Mango Publishing.
Bianca lives in Los Angeles.
Live Performance
Burning Man 2017
Director, Conceptor, Choreographer, and Performer of First Ritual at the Temple of the Golden Spike (the Man), an interactive, multi-disciplinary and immersive site specific art performance with the Man.
Hopscotch Opera
Concept Developer. A 36 chapter mobile opera with 3 geographical routes that took audiences through numerous live performances spread out over streets, ravines, vehicles, and buildings of Los Angeles.
One Night for One Drop, Cirque du Soliel2014
Performer, creator, and choreographer of Orbis Act with Russ Stark
The Menagerie 2019
Director, Choreographer, Performer of interactive and immersive site specific live theatrical production that takes the audience on an introspective and transformational journey through the dark night of the soul based on the intersection of the Alchemical Arts and Jungian psychology. Performance featured Cirque du Soleil acrobats and musicians, elite gymnasts, SORNE, and others.
Carmina Burana Michigan Opera Theater2011
Choreographer, this large scale production included 80 adult choir members, 50 children choir, the Eisenhower Dance Ensemble, 6 acrobats, and a full orchestra.
Teatro Zinzanni2002-present
Associate director, choreographer, aerial acrobat, whips, tango, dance, and actor for theatrical circus dinner theater in San Francisco and Seattle. The show combines circus arts, comedy, acting, dancing and live music starring such stage luminaries as Joan Baez, Liliane Montevecchi, Sally Kellerman, Thelma Houston, etc.
LedZaerial2003 & 2006
Choreographer, co-director, aerialist, and dancer,of a two-act multi-media dance/circus/rock show set to the music of Led Zeppelin and performed for Robert Plant and Jimmy Page.
TJMaxx Tour of Champions2004
Artistic director and choreographer of a U.S. arena tour of American Olympic Teams including gymnasts, rhythmic gymnasts, trampolinists, acrosport champions as well as Cirque du Soleil performers.
Cirque du Soleil, “Quidam”1995-1999
Aerial acrobat, dancer, rhythmic gymnast and choreographer on tour.
Apogee Dance Company2000-2004
Aerialist, dancer, rhythmic gymnast, trampoline. Debra Lynn Brown’s circus-fusion extreme dance company. Includes the touring shows "C.O.K.E." and "On Air" as well as various special events.
World Choreography Awards
Principal Character and Dancer for Debra Lynn Brown’s highly kinetic theatrical dance production, "Brace... Yourself!"
Camerata Tango2000-2004
Aerial tango, dancer, choreographer and co-creator of a theatrical tango production, sponsored by the Astor Piazzolla Foundation.
Black Cat Cabaret2011
Artistic Director, writer, choreographer, aerialist. Circus, theater, dance, comedy and music all came together at its best to raise funds and awareness for Sonoma County's no kill animal shelter.
Formula 1 Car Race
Aerial Acrobat, Soloist
Special Events, Corporate Events, Parties2000-present
Choreographer, Creative Conceptualization and/or Performer for a vast array of events world wide ranging from cutting edge technology conventions in Japan to multinational corporation conventions to hosting weekly events in Hollywood nightclubs to performing at parties for New York nightlife icon Susanne Bartsch.
Cirque du Soleil, Springs Preserve2007
Choreographer, Cirque du Soleil with the Las Vegas Philharmonic.
The Party
Choreographer, Producer, Conceptor for an immersive, interactive theatrical circus production with Daniel Passer (Director, Producer) and Veronika Krausas (Composer, Producer).
Luminario Ballet2009-Present
Dancer, aerialist and choreographer for this classical ballet, modern and aerial dance company.
The Mortal Thoughts of Lady MacBeth Opera2010
Choreographer, Co-creator, Aerialist, Character of an opera whereby audiences are thrust into an inverted world in which Macbeth and Lady Macbeth bring about their own ruin. Aerialists weave together the web of inevitable and bloody events manipulated by three witches.
Choreographer and co-creator of a multi-media theatrical adaptation of the story of Adam and Eve at the Crystal Cathedral.
Taurus Stunt Awards2004
Choreographer, bungee, aerial rope, and harness work at the Paramount Studios Lot.
The Courtyard2002
Choreographer and director, aerial fabric and contortionist of a multi-media aerial and dance show, funded by a grant won by the USC Arts Initiative. Four lives co-habitate a mysterious courtyard where their deepest fear and desires lead them into the spiraling darkness of obsession.
Artistic director and choreographer, aerial hammock, dancer, and rhythmic gymnast of a two-act presentation based on an original story of one man’s journey toward freedom via the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life using multi-media, circus, dance, gymnastics, rock and electronic music.
Music Box2005
Director, Aerialist, creator and choreographer of an aerial dance and rock show performed at the Henry Fonda. The lines of dreams and reality blur as one woman finds redemption through the transformative magic of the dreamworld. Featuring original music composed and performed by Robin Finck (NIN, Guns N' Roses), Paz Lenchantin (A Perfect Circle, Pixies) and Tim Alexander (Primus)
Earth, Wind & Fire2000
Aerialist and choreographer of the opening act.
Sebastian World Tour2000, 2001
Aerial chair act (co-creator), fabric and whips numbers.
Orange County Great Park Jewel Event2010
Producer, Director, Choreographer, Performer for the Jewel Fundraiser for the Park. OCGP is the first great metropolitan park of the 21st Century, spanning more than 1,300 acres and whose master plan embraces environmental sustainability and restoration, agricultural heritage, community education and artist residency programs.
Artego and M.A.D. — Beauty Becomes YouApril 2010
Director and choreographer of multi-media and interdisciplinary arts show for Artego Hair featuring artists from M.A.D.-Beauty Becomes You in Holland.
Water for Elephants w/Reese Witherspoon & Robert Pattinson2010
A member of the Benzini Brothers Circus Family and Stunt Performer.
Rush Hour 2 w/Jackie Chan2001
Principal stunt and choreographer.
Red Planet1999
Motion caption animation for "Aimee" character. Performance highlighted in Los Angeles Times review as "best actor in the film".
Geppetto w/Drew Carey1999
Aerialist and choreographer.
The Matrix Reloaded2002
Movement specialist and research choreographer.
Teen Choice Awards2009
Aerial performer with Black Eyed Peas.
TV Land Awards2008
TJMaxx Tour of Champions2004
Artistic director and choreographer, NBC 2 hour primetime Special.
The Tonight Show, with Jay Leno1996
Performer and choreographer.
Good Morning America w/Regis and Cathy Lee1998
Performer and choreographer.
Grammy Awards, with TLC2000
Rhythmic gymnast and choreographer.
American Music Awards, with Aerosmith2001
Rhythmic gymnast, dancer and assistant choreographer.
Miss Universe2000
Opening ceremony worldwide broadcast, aerialist and choreographer in Cypress.
Fox Television1997
Hour long special report of Cirque du Soleil, choreographer.
David Byrne Music video1993
Rhythmic gymnast.
Guest Choreographer for Theater Department Production directed by Daniel Passer
University of Southern California Guest Lecturer
Guest Lecturer for Music and Performance Art
Guest Lecturer at Thornton School of Music and the Iovine and Young Academy of Arts, Technology, and he Business of Innovation
Guest Lecturer for Psychology Department Course “Art and Trauma” taught by Paul and Tania Abramson
Young Arts
Master Teacher for Los Angeles Chapter
Joffrey Ballet Summer Intensive
Master Teacher
Esalen2013, 2014
With Gahl Sasoon to help students embody the principles of the Kabbalah through movement, character, and meditation
Pen Center USA2014
With Jillian Lauren helping writers to access their bodies as a source of inspiration for their writing
Topanga Mountain School
Aerial Acrobatics Teacher
Performing Arts, Circus Arts and Dance Studios2010-present
Master Teacher of theatrical circus arts at Le Studio, The Aerial Studio, Dance Dimensions Performing Arts Center
Rhythmic Gymnastics Competition
Five Time U.S. National Champion1986-1992
All around.
Olympic Team Member1992
Five Time National Team Member1987-1992
Competed for the U.S. worldwide.
Tour of Champions1992
With all Olympic Team Members and Nadia Comenici, Bart Conner and Olga Corbet.
Olympic Festivals1989, 1990, 1991
Athlete of the Year1992
Olympic Training Center1986-1992
6 years bi-annual training and research.
Amherst College, Amherst, MA
Yogaworks Certified Yoga Instructor
Hammock, Silks, Rope, Lyra (Hoop), Bungee, Harness, Stunts.
Tango, Ballet, Jazz, Modern, Salsa.
Rhythmic Gymnastics, Whips
Trained in Meisner Technique, Clown.